The Results are only disclosed to the inviting company (customer of IntegrityNext which have confirmed via the IntegrityNext Platform that they have a business relationship with you or intend to enter into such a relationship) who sent the assessment request you have accepted.
If you are not in a business relationship with the Customer or IntegrityNext or does not intend to enter such a relationship, you can object to the further disclosure of the data to IntegrityNext.
Third parties can only view the Results if one of your users proactively shares the link the Profile (URL) provided by the IntegrityNext Platform. This may, for example, be the case if you want to advertise its good performance on its own website.
Please see the section “Who can view the data of my company” of our T&Cs (
The advantage of sharing the view on the same sustainability profile is that your company does not have to fill out the same information anew, again and again.
Of course, you can also decide at any time later to delete your company profile or block it for a specific customer/company. Kindly inform us on the company name you do not wish to share the view on your profile any further. The view will be withdrawn, and we will clarify the case with the inviting company.
Who can see the data about my company?
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