Do I have to provide the Conflict Minerals declaration (CMRT) to my customer?

If your company was invited to complete the 'Conflict Minerals' topic and you cannot confirm that products that you manufacture or contract to manufacture do not contain any tantalum, tin, tungsten or gold (3TG) as raw material, component or additive, your client is requiring you to provide the updated CMRT file for the products your company delivers to them. This according to the template of the Responsible Minerals Initiative.

It is your company's responsibility in the supply chain to have and provide this information or to request it from the companies you procure products from.

The purpose of the CMRT is best met when relevant actors in the supply chain, including smelters, provide and disseminate accurate information. Please ask your supplier/ suppliers to fill out their CMRT declaration for you.

For more information visit the Responsible Minerals Initiative web site. (

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