1. Error: Declaration is not in English
Currently we accept only files in the English version. Please:
-> open your CMRT file, and find the 'Declaration' tab
-> in the D3 cell change the language to English
-> save the changes
-> upload your CMRT
2. Error: Failed to process "Declaration": unexpected value "Yes, in conformance with IPC-1755 (e.g., CMRT)"
Unfortunately, some CMRT files can be broken and contain the value not from the drop-down list in one of the cells. Please:
-> open your CMRT file, find the 'Declaration' tab
-> in the cell D83 choose the correct answer from the drop down list
-> save the changes
-> upload your CMRT
3. Error: The CMRT contains too many smelters (more than 10%) without 'RMI Smelter ID'
Please note that ideally your company needs to state the smelter IDs in the tab 'Smelter' list to each 3TG metal you are using. If more than 10% of your smelters are entered without them, the declaration won't be accepted. Please:
-> open your CMRT file, find the 'Smelter list' tab
-> state the smelter/smelters ID
-> save the changes
-> upload your CMRT
Example of the incorrect smelter data is attached below